Denmark prohibits the burning of the Quran and other holy texts in public places, from 14 December onwards. The penalty will be a fine up to two years imprisonment, the parliament decided after a 3-hour debate. The reason for the law is increasing state security.
Quran burnings in Sweden have led to protest in many Muslim nations, as well as in Sweden by those who see this as incitement and intimidation. As a precaution against the fear of terror attacks, heavily armed Swedish police is more visible in public places and those visiting big events are no longer allowed to carry any bags into the venue.
Swedish police is not allowed to block the burning of the Quran citing possible disturbance of public order. This is the final decision by the highest public rule court of Sweden (Högsta Förvaltningsdomstolen) on a case in Norrköping last year. The police in Sweden decides over demonstrations, and freedom of expression is kept in high regard. This apparently includes the burning of holy books. In many places in Sweden riots broke out during Easter 2022 and later, after individuals burned the Quran to make a public statement. | © 2023 Marcel Burger, Featured photo Cezary Piwowarski (CC)