The collection of news from Sweden of the 2019, published at
ASAP Rocky after Release from Jail: Out of Reach for Sweden?
Published on : by Marcel Burger

US rapper ASAP Rocky spent a month in jail in Sweden for violence during a street fight. Friday evening 2 August 2019 he was released, to await the verdict of his case outside prison. Headlines too in Belgium, where I was just scheduled to give an overview of the news papers of the day in the morning show on Radio 1.

Post based on my chat on Belgian VRT Radio 1, De Ochtend, 3 August 2019, presenter Joris Vergeyle. 01:36:24 into the broadcast
The Swedish judge will announce ASAP Rocky’s sentence on 14 August. The public prosecutor has demanded six months in jail, but many Swedish experts believe the rapper might face a sentence of only a month or two, possibly an alternative punishment in which ASAP Rocky will have to perform social duties, like helping the elderly or cleaning graffiti walls.
Flying straight to Los Angeles in a private jet after his release, the question is if ASAP Rocky will ever make it back to Sweden to serve his sentence, if any. Because there is likely no Swedish authority who can take an American citizen away from the United States unless he wants to cross the Atlantic himself. | 2019 Marcel Burger at Feature photo by Israel Palacio/Unsplash